lunedì 15 dicembre 2014

So... that's it.

--Today was the first day off of my life.And I passed that at bed coughing out my lungs hoping to die.I really needed a day off for rest.My body & my head.Too much stuff & things.In every sense.A heavy sleep.Finally.I'm still worried about all the things I have to do but I forgot that for some hours.I woke up with a bad taste in my mounth.Thank you mint candies!Heavy head.Nice light outside.I will not have that in the new room but whatever.There is the wardrobe & wifi!Nobody begin by buckingham palace right?Step by step.I have always to remember it.To myself & to all the other people.I don't want to wake up but I have to.Jeans up of my pijiamas.I went outside when the sky became dark.So cold.I should take the other scarf.Stupid bitch!Walk walk walk.
Against the tideReturn back making counts.I hate so much numers,money & banks!I love Michael Fassbender's voice...& he is so close!!I still can't believe it.Thank you Wikipedia!Hot tea with sugar for me.Just in time to go back again.This time with napkins & mint candies.So... that's it.(even if it isn't definitive.Nothing will be definitive.There's always something better, something bigger, something different or somethings special.Change is everything).Wednsday is the day.I feel scarried & happy.I'm thinking about the mess I'll make to move all my stuff & things.It seems all so nice...I need to be focused to the positive side.I have to stop to be so suspious.Not so much!Walking Dead on a BIG SCREEN & Daryl's super sad expression on a BIG SCREEN.Oh,kill me!Back to home.Dinner.The last time I can cook meat/fish.FINALLY I can watch the Serie Finale eating biscuits & peanut butter.I'm so sad :( I cried so much.One of my favourite show is ended.Sigh sigh.I feel cold.Tommorrow:work.I'm ok :)

PS:Do you will miss me?

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